Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thank You

Thank you friends for your heartfelt condolences, prayers and hugs from my last post.  I felt the sincerity in your words of hope, encouragement and empathy.

I will be traveling to Jamaica week after next. I have mixed emotions that include excitement and expectation.  It's been about 10 years since the last time I went home. This would be the first time all of my Father's 5 daughters are together, we've met and or spent time together separately but never all together.  I wonder if he has any other children that the rest of us don't know about?  I guess we will find out.

I look forward to sharing my experience when I return.  I hope to capture some highlights for a future post on the 'Jamaican Funeral' as a topic for the Cultural Expressions feature; By the way, did you check out the most recent post in that category about Jamaican Mother's?

I'm not done with the I've Got POWER series.  I will not be distracted, I endeavor to stay on course and complete this empowering series as I believe God is taking us to greater heights.

Again, Heartfelt Thanks to All of You. Stay tuned....

Much Love,

Highly Favored


  1. Stay strong lovely, and all the best as you go on your journey!

  2. Good to know you are being strong. Our prayers are with you. *hugs*

    Drawing the line between Faith and Reality

  3. For some reason I'm really glad that you're going to the funeral (I wasn't sure if you'd be able to): my dad wasn't home for the burial of either of his parents and because I'm an over thinker I've wondered if that bothers him.

    May God continue to strengthen you so that you can be a strength and support those you encounter back home. I'll be thinking about you.

  4. I wish you a safe trip home; God will protect and guide you through out the entire trip and back. Don't stress, God is in control.

    1. Thank you Beauty. God is deffinately in Control. He will keep us safe the entire trip and we will retun safely In Jesus Name. Thank you so much!


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