Friday, December 5, 2014

Prisoner of War

This weeks Battle Ready post is on being a Prisoner of War.

During Wars, whenever the enemy captures a solider or in some cases a civilian, and keeps them in bondage the captured is called a Prisoner of War.

Being a Prisoner of War has a devastating effect on the Prisoner's mental state due to the loss of physical freedom and emotional freedom too.

Just imagine not being able to express your emotions freely without punishment and not being able to move about as you desired, in addition to being forced to say and do things you otherwise would not.

Oftentimes, Prisoners of War are chained and/or physically confined so that they will not escape their captors.

Spiritual Prisoner of War

Did you know that we can become spiritual Prisoners of War?

If we are not cautious we can easily become Prisoner's of War to any one or more the following spirits enemies:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Addiction (of any kind)
  • Negative Thinking
  • Incessant feelings of Guilt
  • "Living" in the Past
  • Incessant Worry
  • Laziness
  • Unforgiveness
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Unhealthy Rage/Anger
  • Controlling Attitude (my way or no way)
How do we loose these spiritual chains and experience freedom from these confining, debilitating, contrary spirits?

The word of God states that we have the authority to loose these chains.....

Matthew 16:19  And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

As Sons and Daughters of Royalty, our King and Heavenly Father has given us keys to both bind and loose on earth AND in Heaven.  This gift is is assured...

Matthew 18:18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

We have the authority in the Name of Jesus Christ to loose corrupt spiritual chains that keep us bound, limits our influence, diminishes and/or erases our testimony for Jesus. Say it, claim it, Believe it and Live it in the Name of Jesus.

Sister Tasha Cobbs reminds us that there is an Army (God's Army) rising up to break EVERY chain and there IS POWER in the Name of JESUS...

Tasha Cobbs

Sometimes these chains are not spiritual but for some they face physical circumstantial chains.  These physical chains can be confining on any one or more of the following circumstances:

  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Reproduction
  • Social Engagement/Interactions
  • Career Advancement
  • Procreation
Did you know that our praise and worship has the power to loose chains?

It is important to note that our lifestyle as Christians must include Praise and Worship. Not just in a Church service but daily. Are you aware that the highest form of praise and worship is our obedience to God's principles and standards for our lives?

We also sing songs to and about God in Praise and Worship. Through song we declare the promises of God and love in a uniquely beautiful way.

Singing songs of Praise has the power to 'Break us Free' by Uplifting, Encouraging, and Releasing our Spirit form confining spiritual chains.

Acts 16:24-26   Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. 

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 

Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.

Today let us declare, I am no longer a Prisoner of War in the Spirit! I am FREE in Jesus Name....

No more shackles
No more chains
No more bondage
I am free
Eddie James

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