Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weight Loss & Endurance Build

Have you ever tried to loose weight and succeeded?  I have; several years ago,  I went from 125lbs to 154lbs within the space of two years.  There was a great challenge testing of my faith taking place in my life during that time and I ate a lot.  

I knew I gained weight because I could NOT fit my size 6 clothes any more and I could see the changes in the mirror. I just didn't realize how much weight I gained until I decided to step on a scale one day in a store.  When I saw the number that appeared on the scale I was shocked!! I was determined to do something about it.

I bought the scale, started changing my eating habits and I joined a gym (I also obsessively weighed myself everyday two times a day, probably not good :-). 

Within the space of a year and a half I lost 20lbs.   I didn't go on any radical diets, I simply became more conscious about what and how much I ate and drank. I went to the gym about 2-3 evenings per week.  My weight loss was slow and steady.   I'm very happy and proud that I was able to to this but IT WAS CHALLENGING...DIFFICULT...a HARD process.

I contend that weight loss is 85-90% a mental spiritual state, because, If you are not mentally determined to discipline yourself to eat appropriately and proportionately, in addition to dismissing those tempting urges, it won't and can't happen.  Also, a person has to endure the exercise work outs and be mentally determined not to quit when feeling tired.  Each time this is achieved endurance is built and one is ready for a new level of challenge.

Spiritual Weight Loss and Endurance Build

Hebrews 12:1-2 (NLT)  Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trip us up. and let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now He is seated in the place of honor beside God's throne

How will we strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up and build spiritual endurance?

In the Warm Up post, we acknowledged and identified negative attributes weights that slow us down and trip us up.

 Weight Loss Exercise: 
  1. Work out exercising the positive attributes and ignore the negative ones when they want to arise. The more we practice ignoring and not expressing the negative traits spirits the more our endurance is built up for displaying and becoming better at representing Christ.
      • Be patient the next time you feel yourself becoming irritated or annoyed. Say a prayer and ask God to help you.  Delay responses when feeling impatient, angry or offended.  Listen more than you speak to others.
      • Weigh (evaluate) yourself daily to see if you are on target to your goal.
God we need your help, we are determined to endure the testing of our faith when challenges come and we want to rise up in the flesh with spirits that are contrary to who we are and who's we are.  We seek your grace and restraint as we seek the path to spiritual health. We realise that we can do all things though you who will give us the strength in Jesus Name.....


  1. Amen! Food for thought.. Shedding the weight of a bad habit takes conscious effort to actually stop doing it. Thanks dear.. Loving the series xx
    PS, you are a size 6?!!

    1. Absolutely! a conscious effort is necessary to accomplish anything we desire to do or not do.

      haha, I WAS a size 6, I'm currenlty 8/10 but can squeeze into some of my size 6 clothes now since loosing weight.

      Happy your enjoying the series. Appreciate your support always.


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