Sunday, April 10, 2016

To Say Thank You

Here is a little gift to you my faithful blog friends.  Thank you for your kind Birthday thoughts,affirmations and prayers for me.

I've been generally such an ultra private person to some degree on the blog. I'm going to see if I can get out of my "shell" a little more this year.  I mentioned in a post last year that I bought a fancy cannon camera and wanted to share some pictures as I practise and develop some photography skills.  

The pictures I'm sharing below are about a year old or so. 

The pictures below were taken Spring 2015 


  1. Wow. Is this you? You are really cute. Love your hair.

    The making of Yoruba Demon(ess)es

  2. Awwwww... Thanks for sharing your cute face with us!!

  3. too pretty :-) love it

  4. funny we both birthday April


What do you Think? Would love to read your thoughts...