Monday, January 2, 2017

HolyDay Time

Welcome to 2017 Friends!

Congratulations!!!!  We made it to the beginning of another Calendar Year by the Grace and Mercy of God. I pray that we will all accomplish our aspirations and have many more testimonies to share during the course of this year.

I'm excited to share the first post of our Exposing Spiritual Counterfeits series.

In the spiritual context, everything God created, the enemy presents a counterfeit.  The main purpose of the enemy is to deceive God's people, to keep us unaware and uninformed of the truth.  Keeping us ignorant of truth keeps us unable to detect his counterfeit presentations. 

The best way to detect a counterfeit bill of currency is to study the original.

close-up of dollar

Once we have studied the intricate details of the original, upon close inspection we can detect the defects in the counterfeit. The key is knowing the original well enough.

Holiday vs Holy Day

What is your Favorite all time Holiday?

Just a few weeks ago, we were in the midst of a major 🎄🎄🎄🎄Holiday Season.

Oftentimes our favorite holiday incites feelings of Nostalgia; Reminiscent memories brings a smile, a sense of peace, perhaps a sense of Joy for that season?

Usually we invest time to set the atmosphere and build excitement in anticipation of the 'day' by playing specific types of music, decorating our home, baking, and preparing gifts etc.

Some of us look forward to spending this special time with family and friends, lots of laughter and experiencing favorite traditions once more. A longing for the euphoria not to end.

In this post of, Exposing Spiritual Counterfeits, we will compare and contrast Holy Day vs. Holiday.
  • A counterfeit is described as an exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud.
There have been many questions, arguments, theories and analysis on the origins, traditions and customs of how certain 'holidays' evolved and its relevance in Christianity. In the final analysis, several present themselves as Counterfeits.

Our focus however is to examine the attributes of the ORIGINAL....... Holy Day.

Exodus 20:8-11(ICB) 
Remember to keep the Sabbath as a holy day.   You may work and get everything done during six days each week.   But the seventh day is a day of rest to honor the Lord your God. On that day no one may do any work: not you, your son or daughter, or your men or women slaves. Neither your animals nor the foreigners living in your cities may work.  The reason is that in six days the Lord made everything. He made the sky, earth, sea and everything in them. And on the seventh day, he rested. So the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
Many people argue that the Sabbath is for the Jews. Would you be surprised to know that the Sabbath was established during the Creation of our world long before a Jewish nation existed?
 Genesis 2:1-3 
So the sky, the earth and all that filled them were finished.   By the seventh day God finished the work he had been doing. So on the seventh day he rested from all his work.   God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it holy because on that day he rested. He rested from all the work he had done in creating the world.
Why is the Holy Day Sabbath a target for Spiritual Counterfeit?  The Sabbath contains the seal of God.
We know that a seal has something to do with legal affairs.  Official documents are stamped with the seal of the ruling official of the Government whether they are Kings or Presidents. For Instance, America's official Presidential seal, as to the seals of all Countries has three parts. (1) The President's name, (2) His title: President, (3) The territory over which he presides: America

 In the same way God's Seal [as revealed in Exodus 20 8-11]: has three parts:
  1. His name: The Lord thy God
  2. His Title: Creator
  3. His Territory or Domain: The Heavens and Earth, the Sea and everything in them.
The seal of God is the Sabbath, He blessed the 7th day and made it Holy. He declared the 7th day Sabbath a Holy Day of rest for His Creation.
Like our Birthday and Anniversary dates, we can celebrate at anytime we choose, however there is no denying that there is something very special about the actual date/day we were born or wedded. 
Do you currently acknowledge the 7th Day Sabbath as a Holy Day?
Growing up on sundown Friday evenings my Family would be prepared to usher in the Sabbath with family worship (singing, scripture reading/study, prayer). Some families have Sabbath traditions, and set the atmosphere all week in anticipation of the next Sabbath.
Do we put the same effort into welcoming and preparing for the Sabbath each week? to acknowledge and worship our Creator God? Yes, we ought to worship and acknowledge God everyday ; just know that like our Birthday, Anniversary or your favorite 'holiday' there is something EXTRA special about the actual day of rest that God set aside, Blessed and made Holy.


  1. Happy New Year girl, hopefully 2017 will be a year of lots of God's blessing. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Hey Destiny! Thank you so much!!! Blessed New Year to you and family.


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